Our Services to help you

Suvidha Consultants Pvt Ltd is a consultancy house assisting clients with different services. Our key skill is to make things convenient for our clients so that they can reach their goals faster with superior experiences across channels. We are empaneled consultants of diversified banks / financial institutions. We can help to get Pollution clearances, FSSAI & SWID certificates for your business establishments, can assist with Detailed Project report, Bank finance, Subsidy & Government incentive.

Preparation Of Detailed Project Report & Bank Finance

DPR (Detailed Project Report) is the initial report for the alignment of the investment proposal. Investment decisions are taken based on the details incorporated in the study. The first step in feasibility study is the needs analysis. The purpose is to characterize overall objectives of the system proposed to be designed. The second and perhaps the most extensive thing is system identification. This is referred to as activity analysis. After the preparation of feasibility study report, it is being reviewed by our experts in the concerned department. In case of any differences, the report is modified as discussed with experts.

Preparation of Detailed Project Report is further step in firming up the proposal. When an investment proposal has been approved on the basis functional report and the proposal is a major proposal, it would be necessary to detailed project report to firm up the proposal for the capital cost as well as the various facilities.

Government Incentive / Subsidy

A subsidy or government incentive is a method of financial help or support extended to an economic sector generally with the intent of promoting economic and social policy. Subsidies can come in various forms including direct- (cash grants, interest free loans) and indirect (tax breaks, low interest loans, insurance, accelerated depreciation, rent rebates.

Pollution / FSSAI / SWID Certificate

Pollution Control Certificate- As per provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 all new intending projects (Developmental & Industrial) are required to obtain “Consent to Establish”(popularly termed as NOC) from State Pollution Control Board.

FSSAI- registration is a mandatory conformity used to assure the safety of food products and it is essentially a food safety certificate issued by the food authority in India. FSSAI certificate is compulsory before starting a food business.

SWID Certificate- State Water Investigation Directorate (SWID), is an independent Directorate under the Water Resources,Investigation & Development Department,Government of West Bengal, is headed by the Director assisted by Engineering Wing, Geological Wing, Hydrological Wing, Meteorological Wing, Chemical Wing, Data Processing, Storage & Retrieval Wing, a Geophysical unit, to carry out investigation and quantitative & qualitative assessment of water resources in the State. It also shares expertise with various government developmental agencies in various groundwater and surface water projects for agriculture, industrial and drinking water development in the State including augmentation of water resources through implementation of various conservation/artificial recharge schemes.

Empanelled Consultants / TEV Study

We are at present empaneled as a consultant of diversified banks / financial institutions.

We are also empaneled of the following:

  • Ministry of Food Processing, Govt. of West Bengal.
  • Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.
  • Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
  • Small Farmers’ Agri – Business Consortium (SFAC).
  • Industrial Promotion and Development Corporation.
  • Assam Industrial Development Corporation.

Techno Economic Viability (TEV) Study
A TEV study is a risk mitigation exercise undertaken by banks and financial organization before they decide to lend for projects. Techno Economic Viability (TEV) study of a project encompasses the evaluation of a project as per a systematic procedure for weaving the technical and financial information about the project, with relevant data about its technological and economic environment, into one or a few criteria on the basis of which the project is recommended for selection, modification or rejection.

how can we help you?

Contact us at our office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

” Good, Prompt service through knowledge of procedures timely regular follow up. “

Envocon Projects LLP
Partner, Shashank Chiripal
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